
Restoring Hope: Our campaign to save more lives

Restoring Hope

Addressing the substance use crisis in our community is more critical now than ever before.

There is a lack of accessible, evidence-based treatment in Boston. Clinical Stabilization Services (CSS) is a critical step on the path to recovery between detox and residential recovery. Sadly, there are no post-detox treatment beds for men in Boston.


Through both public funding and private philanthropy, Dimock will restore and renovate the Dr. Marie E. Zakrzewska (Z) Building to create a state-of-the-art CSS on our campus. This is an opportunity to strengthen our treatment model, fill a critical treatment gap in the Boston area, and save more lives. Join us in this important effort.

“When you’re in the detox and can look out the window and see your next step, it gives you hope.” 

David, Dimock Residential Recovery Patient

On Tuesday, October 24, The Dimock Center held a ceremonial groundbreaking event to celebrate the creation of the new men’s CSS unit.

Thanks to support from caring donors like you, renovations on the Z Building have begun.

You can support patients in need of substance use disorder treatment by making a gift to the Restoring Hope Campaign today.

“Dimock saved my life. It’s given me peace of mind.

It’s given me me back.” 

Jerrall, Dimock Residential Recovery Patient

“Coming into these programs, you feel broken, lost.

Eddie, Dimock Residential Recovery Patient


To be able to have detox and CSS on one campus— with everybody working together as a team to support you—you can’t beat that.”