Our Approach
At The Dimock Center, we are committed to caring for the whole person, right where they live. Dimock’s health center is recognized nationally as a model for the delivery of comprehensive health & human services in an urban community. We offer a range of primary and specialty medical care as well as integrated behavioral health care for people of all ages.
Consider making Dimock your Patient-Centered Medical Home today.
If you need a medication refill, please call the following number before visiting our pharmacy:
– For Adult Medicine, please call 617-708-3011.
– For Pediatrics, please call 617-708-3016.
Health Services
COVID-19 Resources
Currently, vaccines are available to Dimock patients only.
Other Resources
For help with the Patient Portal, please call 617-442-8800 ext. 1103.
Our Impact
“The environment at Dimock feels like home. You never feel like just another patient. They treat my family like their own family.”
– Rowena Golay, longtime member of the Dimock community